HP Operations Manager for Windows

Java API

HPOM provides a set of Java classes on the HP Operations agent to
Note NOTE:
The HP Operations agent API includes support for C/C++ and Java, as well as for every language that supports DCOM automation (for example, VB, VBScript, JScript, and so on). However, the agent message stream interface supports C APIs only. All of the APIs are built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

JAR files

The JAR files jopcagtbase.jar and jopcagtmsg.jar that are necessary to use the APIs are installed together with the agent on the managed node.


Examples of how the API classes can be used from Java are available in the directory


on the HPOM for Windows management server.

On Windows

To use the Java HPOM classes: See "%OvAgentDir%/www/htdocs/jdoc_agent/index.html" for a javadoc style class documentation.

To compile and run the example code:

where <java source code file> could be JOpcAgtMsgTest.java or JOpcMonValueTest.java;
<java class> would then be JOpcAgtMsgTest or JOpcMonValueTest


To build the managed node sample program you have to copy the source files to the managed node. The HP Operations agent software must be installed on the managed node - otherwise the HPOM JAR files will not be present. Copy the sample programs to any location (for example, /tmp). To use the Java HPOM API wrapper classes: See "/opt/OV/www/htdocs/jdoc_agent/index.html" for a javadoc style class documentation.

To compile and run the example code:

where <java source code file> could be JOpcAgtMsgTest.java or JOpcMonValueTest.java;
<java class> would then be JOpcAgtMsgTest or JOpcMonValueTest

See Also

